Maker Consulting

Stephenson, VA 22656


About Maker Consulting


106 Buccaneer Court
Stephenson, VA 22656
(703) 662-0445
(866) 432-0255

More Info on Maker Consulting

The ProActive Fire and Rescue System (ProFARS™) was developed by Maker Consulting as a turnkey solution for real world emergency management.  The multi-tiered system architecture enables ProFARS™ to be the first and only platform designed to facilitate emergency coordination and cooperation between Government, Private Sector, and Civilian Populations.  Combining ProFARS™ with mainstream technology has created a platform in which Dynamic Population Alerting and Real Time Location Tracking are achievable.  ProFARS™ utilizes Tier-Specific functionality while maintaining a specific level of system integration to provide immediate access to previously unobtainable information.  ProFARS™ is being offered to Fire and Rescue Departments for FREE.

Products and Press Releases

Profars 11617962
Computers & Accessories

Maker Consulting Release ProFARS

Aug. 8, 2014
The multi-tiered system architecture enables ProFARS™ to be the first and only platform designed to facilitate emergency coordination and cooperation between government, private...
Pro Fars
Computers & Accessories

Maker Consulting Offers ProFARS Management Platform

Aug. 8, 2014
The ProActive Fire and Rescue System (ProFARS™) was developed by Maker Consulting as a turnkey solution for real world emergency management.

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