Davis E. Hill

Davis E. Hill is the co-founder and current president of Emergency Services Rescue Training, Inc. (ESRT, Inc.) which is a 501 c-3 not for profit company incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania. In this role he develops, delivers and evaluates training programs dealing with agricultural and other industrial related emergencies for emergency responders and site workers and other community members. The emphasis of these training programs deal with management of trauma and fire emergencies related to farm other industrial sites. He consults nationally with other groups and organizations on farm emergency response issues and program development and implementation. He also consults widely across PA and nationally on issues related to silo fires. He is asked to write many articles and give many presentations related to agricultural related trauma and fire emergencies to emergency response groups, farm organizations and media outlets. Mr. Hill is currently employed full time with The Pennsylvania State University where he works as a Senior Extension Associate in the Agricultural Safety and Health Program. There he directs the Managing Agricultural Emergencies program throughout Pennsylvania. Mr. Hill also led in the development of the first nationally standardized curriculum for agricultural rescue as director of the FARMEDIC program prior to his coming to Pennsylvania. This effort led to the training of over 300 national instructors for the FARMEDIC program under a national rural health outreach grant from Health and Human Services during the 1990’s.