EZ Spanner

Aug. 6, 2015
The EZ Spanner’s unique ratcheting design enables firefighters to open fire hydrants in a safer body position than traditional hydrant wrenches.

The EZ Spanner’s unique ratcheting design enables firefighters to open fire hydrants in a safer body position than traditional hydrant wrenches. This is especially helpful when the fire hydrant is obstructed. Better Tools, Inc. has incorporated 3 custom designed hooks that grab onto fittings far superior to current tools, reducing the problem of the tool slipping off the fitting and causing injuries.
Leverage is a major problem with the current standard fire hydrant wrenches because of their short length. The EZ Spanner™ has successfully addressed this issue by incorporating an extendable handle that increases the length of the tool and adds a mechanical advantage to opening hydrants faster and with less effort.

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