NJ Dad, Daughter Pull Two from Fire

Feb. 13, 2019
Quick action by a father and daughter saved the two men trapped in a burning upstairs apartment in Marmora.

A New Jersey father and daughter rescued two people trapped in a burning building over the weekend.

The men were in an upstairs Marmora apartment Sunday when a fast-spreading blaze began in the hair salon below, KYW-TV reports. Jim Cox and his daughter, Stephanie, saw the fire as they were driving in their van.

“We pulled over, we ran over and right away my daughter was talking to one of the boys upstairs and we realized there was two of them and they said there was no way out because the porch was burning,” Jim Cox told KYW.

The two pulled a 20-foot extension ladder from the van and used it to help pull the men from the burning building, according to the TV station.