Strongest Firefighter Competition to Be Held at Ohio Fire & EMS Expo

May 6, 2014
Strongest Firefighter Competition to be held at the Ohio Fire & EMS Expo in Columbus in September.

On Sept. 25 and 26, the Strongest firefighter competition will be held at the Greatest Columbus Convention Center during the Ohio Fire & EMS Expo.

Firefighters and EMS personnel are invited to participate and prove they are stronger than their peers and win prizes. Contestants must be a firefighter, paramedic or EMT, or the spouse of a firefighter, paramedic or EMT to participants.

The registration fee is $75 and the competition is open to 150 males and 50 females.The top price for each division is $1,000. There is no master's division because "fire doesn't care if you are over 40," according to event organizer Jonathan Mooney.

For more information or to register visit


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