Incident Response Technologies Tests New Management Suite

Aug. 18, 2014
Incident Response Technologies, Inc. (IRT), a Denver-based company, is proud to announce that Rhodium Version 3 - a brand new version of the popular Rhodium Incident Management Suite - was tested earlier this month at the 2014 3M Championship in Blaine, MN.

Incident Response Technologies, Inc. (IRT), a Denver-based company, is proud to announce that Rhodium Version 3 - a brand new version of the popular Rhodium Incident Management Suite - was tested earlier this month at the 2014 3M Championship in Blaine, MN.

The new version of Rhodium features an updated user interface that offers a modern, easy-to-navigate and touch-screen friendly design.

"We are very excited about the upcoming release of Rhodium Version 3. With the current version's rapid growth across the country and internationally, we see Version 3 as an opportunity to incorporate several revolutionary features, many of which have been recommended by our loyal users," says Andrew Greene, Vice President at Incident Response Technologies.

Terry Stoltzman, Director of Emergency Management for Anoka County had this to say about his recent use of Rhodium Version 3 during the 3M Championship: "Anoka County invited Incident Response Technologies (IRT) to the 2014 3M Championship held in Blaine to use and become more familiar with Rhodium version 3.0 during a real event situation. After a very short amount of time, in a non-training environment I was able to utilize Rhodium to mirror manage the event alongside the normal operations. I had zero classroom training but was able to pick up very quickly how Rhodium functioned to be able to input, modify and close actions of actual units in the field. We had many visiting agencies during our day. One was a fire inspector who was put in the 'hot seat' to create sub events into the system with no training and just a verbal walkthrough from me (a non-trained new user). He was able to input, modify and close actions in the short time he sat in the seat and walked away with a basic understanding of how to work in the Rhodium software. The software tool is easy to navigate, clean looking, and had very quick updating. We were on a wireless 4G connection during a very busy major event and had no issues completing our updates. The maps zoomed and displayed instantly without waiting for the pixels to go from blurry to clear. Other tablets and computers logged into the system showed the updates as soon as they were entered into the system. All the visiting public safety agencies were thoroughly impressed seeing it live and during an event in a still in development state. I can't wait to see the completed Rhodium product and being using it in Anoka County."

Rhodium Version 3 is scheduled to be released to current and future Rhodium clients in the fall of 2014.

For details on the new version, visit IRT's website at or call (866) 260-7333.

About Incident Response Technologies

Incident Response Technologies, Inc., has been providing cloud-based solutions for public safety organizations since 2005. IRT's flagship product, the Rhodium Incident Management Suite, is currently in use throughout the United States and Canada by Police, Fire, EMS, Emergency Management, Campus Security, and other organizations.

For more information on the Rhodium Incident Management Suite, visit IRT's website at or call (866) 260-7333.

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