TX Firefighter Seriously Injured in Apparatus Rollover

Aug. 14, 2019
Motley County firefighter Logan Jones was riding in an apparatus that was responding to lightning fires in the area when the vehicle rolled over several times.

A Texas firefighter was seriously injured in an apparatus crash Monday night.

Motley County firefighter Logan Jones, 18, suffered broken bones when the apparatus he was riding in rolled over several times, the Matador Fire Department said. Crews had been responding to several lightning fires at the time.

“Jones is the fire chief’s son, and his dream is to follow in his dad’s footsteps,” Matador firefighter Rafael Aldrich told KBLK-TV. “The whole community is rooting for him to get better quickly.”

Jones was flown to an area hospital and is expected to be there for a few days. Firefighter Brandon Moore, who was driving the apparatus, wasn't seriously injured in the crash, KBLK added.