Firehouse Ops/Training eNL - Mar 26th, 2024
Firehouse Ops/Training eNL | View online
March 26, 2024

The theme for the 2024 Safety Stand Down is “Fire Training: Back to Basics,” which emphasizes the importance of training by reinforcing proper strategies and tactics with a focus on the fundamentals. 

Safety Stand Down, to be held June 16-22, 2024, is a joint initiative of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Safety, Health and Survival Section, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®), the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA), and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). 

Stay tuned to for more information and resources in the months leading up to the campaign. 

Stay safe!

Andrew Roach points out that, although firefighters who typically attack structure fires are rather prepared to defend structures in the wildland firefighting environment, they must familiarize themselves with strategies and tactics that likely aren’t typical for them and adjust their fitness training.
Jonathan Hall details which doors must be secured open and closed in dwellings, apartments buildings, commercial buildings and high-rises and which devices to use on which.
Paul Mastronardi offers tips for conducting a primary search in a safe and efficient manner.
Jon Pedrini's 2 OUT 2 acronym helps the members of this team remain engaged and contribute on the fireground in ways that they might not do otherwise.
Firefighters initiated ladder pipe operations at the three-alarm fire at the St. Louis church built in 1896.
When Sterling Firefighter Trevor Brown was killed in the Feb. 16 incident, he was doing the right thing, the chief said.
Sterling Firefighter Brian Diamond was met with applause as he was wheeled out of Washington Hospital Center Wednesday afternoon