Captain David P. Fornell is active as a line officer in the Casstown Community Fire Department, Casstown, OH, protecting 88 square miles of rural area in and around Casstown, Ohio. He formerly held the rank of Captain of the Beckerle & Company, Hose Company, Engine #9 of the Danbury, Connecticut fire department protecting a busy city of 85,000, and was the full time Chief of the Westchester, Illinois fire department, a suburb of Chicago. He started his career as a firefighter in the Addison, IL Fire Department, located about 20 miles west of Chicago. Capt. Fornell is a certified fire service instructor specializing in engine company operations, company officer development and fire ground safety courses and he holds the rank of Honorary Battalion Chief of the FDNY. He is the author of "FIRE STREAM MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK" along with an accompanying training video published by Fire Engineering Books and Videos, and served seven years as the Executive Editor of FIRE APPARATUS magazine. Capt. Fornell has written articles for FIRE ENGINEERING and FIREHOUSE magazines in the U.S., FIRE AND RESCUE and MILITARY FIREFIGHTER in the United Kingdom. He has hosted the rural water supply, engine company operations and line officer training segments of "THE FIRST LINE SUPERVISOR" for the FETN television network.