EMT Jeopardy
Instructor Guide
Level of Instruction:
Time Required: One to Two Hours
• Chalk Board or White Board
• Questions as Provided
• Game Board (create on chalk/white board)
• Individual to keep score and watch for first team to respond
• Stop watch, or watch with second hand
• Transparencies that you create
• Emergency Care, 11th Edition, Brady
Objective (SPO): 1-1
Given EMT related questions, the EMT will demonstrate knowledge of a variety of EMT topics through participation in a jeopardy game, so that answers are consistent with the current EMT text in use and with jurisdictional protocols.
Topics Include
• Medico Legal
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Patient Assessment
• CPR/Obstructed Airway
• Respiratory
• Oxygen and Airway Adjuncts
• Trauma
• Scene Size-Up
• Shock
EMT Jeopardy
SPO 1-1 Demonstrate a knowledge of basic EMT materials.
EO 1-1 Know and follow the rules of the game.
EO 1-2 Answer questions on various aspects of emergency medical services.
This drill is intended to be conducted in a similar manner to the Jeopardy game show. Divide participants into teams of 4 to 5 members. The instructor will pick the topics for the first and second rounds. Choose areas in which participants are proficient for the first round, and choose more difficult topics for the second round in which scores are doubled. The instructor (host) will stop reading the question as soon as a team raises their hand(s). Impose a time limit of 30 seconds for providing the answer.
I. Playing the Game (1-1)
A. Set up the game.
1. Follow outlay for Game Board #1.
a. Draw on chalk or white board.
b. Create a transparency.
2. Identify a timekeeper, a score keeper, and a watcher. (May combine jobs as needed.)
3. Print the topic questions and answers on separate pages
4. Choose five of the topics and enter the topics in the top spaces of the game board.
B. Establish rules.
1. Decide on which team gets the first choice.
2. Each team should have a captain to chose a topic, a question point value, and who will give final answers.
3. The beginning team captain chooses a topic and question point value.
4. The host begins the answer. Answers should be given in the form of "The answer is..."
For example, Topic A, Question 1 would be read "The answer is, based on individual and community conduct, standards imposed by force of law, and professional or institutional standards." When the first hand is raised, the host stops giving the answer, and the team is given 30 seconds to respond.
5. The team captain will give the answer after receiving input from teammates.
6. Answers must be in the form of a question.
For example, the answer for Topic A, Question 1 should be in the form of "What is standard of conduct?".
7. If the team gets the question right, that team captain chooses the next topic and question point value. If the team responds with a wrong answer, the host continues with the answer until one of the next teams raises their hand(s) to answer the question.
8. After a team answers a question correctly, the instructor (host) will erase the point value off the chalk or white board. If using a transparency, place an "x" through the box.
9. The team that gets the question correct chooses the next question.
10. The game continues until the board is clear.
11. Game board # 2 is set up to play double jeopardy.
12. The winner is the team that gets the most points.
13. The instructor (host) will have the decision if a variation of the response is valid.
II. Questions (1-2)
1. Answer: Based on individual and community conduct, standards imposed by force of law, and professional or institutional standards.
Question: What is standard of conduct?
2. Answer: There was a duty to act, you acted above your standard of care, and the patient suffered further injury.
Question: What is gross negligence?
3. Answer: Leaving a patient before turning him or her over to someone of the same or higher level of care.
Question: What is abandonment?
4. Answer: Allows you to treat an unconscious patient.
Question: What is implied consent?
5. Answer: Protects the emergency care provider from civil law suits.
Question: What is the Good Samaritan Law.
1. Answer: The point farthest away from the body or attaching point.
Question: What is distal?
2. Answer: The back surface of the body.
Question: What is posterior?
3. Answer: The topographical term meaning towards the feet.
Question: What is inferior?
4. Answer: Movement towards the midline.
Question: What is adduction?
5. Answer: The clavicles, scapula, and sternum.
Question: What are the parts of the thorax (thoracic cavity)?
1. Answer: Where the spleen is located.
Question: What is the left, upper quadrant.
2. Answer: Consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries.
Question: What is the circulatory system?
3. Answer: The tenth to fourteenth pairs of ribs.
Question: Which are most commonly fractured?
4. Answer: The system responsible for removing waste gases.
Question: What is the respiratory system?
5. Answer: The system responsible for taking oxygen to the body tissues.
Question: What is the circulatory system.
6. Extra question (if needed)
Answer: The organ that can be injured from a sharp blow to the back.
Question: What is the kidney?
1. Answer: The bluish, gray skin coloring resulting from asphyxia.
Question: What is cyanosis?
2. Answer: Pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and relative skin temperature.
Question: What are vital signs?
3. Answer: What the patient tells you he or she is feeling.
Question: What is a symptom?
4. Answer: 60 to 80 times per minute.
Question: What is the average pulse rate for an adult?
5. Answer: 12 to 20 times per minute.
Question: What is the average respiratory rate for an adult?
6. EXTRA: Answer: The acronym used to find contusions, punctures, lacerations, etc.
Question: What is DCAPBTLS?
7. EXTRA: Answer: Taken for thirty seconds and multiplied by 2.
Question: What are pulse and respiratory rates?
1. Answer: Used to check for pulselessness on an unconscious, adult patient.
Question: What is the carotid pulse?
2. Answer: The first action that an EMT would take when coming upon an unconscious person.
Question: What is determine responsiveness?
3. Answer: When breathing and heart action stops.
Question: What is clinical death?
4. Answer: First action to take when a patient is not breathing.
Question: What is give two breaths?
5. Answer: From birth to one year of age.
Question: What is an infant?
1. Answer: Should be treated by repositioning the airway and reducing the size of ventilations.
Question: What is stomach (gastric) distention?
2. Answer: Repeat 6 to 10 abdominal thrusts until the patient becomes unconscious.
Question: What is the treatment of a complete obstruction in a conscious adult?
3. Answer: Alternate back blows, chest thrusts, and ventilation attempts.
Question: How do you clear an infant's obstructed airway?
4. Answer: The technique used to provide ventilations to a patient with a fractured mandible.
Question: What is mouth-to-nose ventilation?
May accept mouth to mask with further explanation.
5. Answer: Modified jaw thrust.
Question: What is the technique used to open the airway in a patient with suspected cervical injuries.
1. Answer: The air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange with the bloodstream takes place.
Question: What are the alveoli?
2. Answer: Also called the windpipe, it carries air to and from the lungs.
Question: What is the trachea?
3. Answer: The phase of breathing when the intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract.
Question: What is inspiration?
What is inhalation? ALSO ACCEPTABLE
4. Answer: The passive phase of breathing.
Question: What is expiration?
What is exhalation? ALSO ACCEPTABLE
5. Answer: The sound usually caused by the tongue obstructing the pharynx.
Question: What is snoring?
1. Answer: 500 cc of air.
Question: What is the average breath of an adult?
2. Answer: Blood moving from the right ventricle to the left atrium.
Question: What is pulmonary circulation?
3. Answer: Coarse popping or snoring noises.
Question: What is rhonchi?
4. Answer: Also called dying respirations, they are sporadic, irregular breaths usually seen just before respiratory arrest.
Question: What are agonal respirations?
5. Answer: The sound produced when there are spasms of the larynx.
Question: What is crowing?
Answer: The sound produced when there is edema or spasms of the lower airway.
Question: What is wheezing?
1. Answer: The proper head position when using an oropharyngeal airway.
Question: What is hyperextended?
2. Answer: The mask that delivers close to 100% oxygen.
Question: What is the non-rebreather?
3. Answer: May be used when an oropharyngeal airway causes a gag reflex.
Question: What is a nasopharyngeal airway?
4. Answer: The oxygen delivery device of choice for a priority 3 COPD patient on home oxygen.
Question: What is a nasal canula?
5. Answer: The treatment for a COPD patient in mild respiratory distress.
Question: What is give 24% oxygen?
Answer: The patient medication that EMT's can assist with during a severe asthma attack.
Question: What is albuterol inhaler?
Answer: The patient medication that will assist with breathing during anaphylactic shock.
Question: What is epinephrine?
1. Answer: What BSI stands for.
Question: What is body substance isolation?
2. Answer: Falls from ladders, bent steering wheels, a knife laying next to a patient.
Question: What are mechanisms of injury?
3. Answer: The BLS crew needs ALS support or there are more patients than providers.
Question: Why/when do you call for additional resources?
4. Answer: What the crew should be looking for while en route and arriving at a scene.
Question: What is scene safety?
5. Answer: A danger zone.
Question: What do you establish around a vehicle accident?
1. Answer: Bright red, spurting blood.
Question: What is arterial bleeding?
2. Answer: Do not replace organ(s), apply an occlusive dressing and bulky trauma dressings.
Question: How do you treat an evisceration?
3. Answer: Only to be used as a last resort – considered as life or limb option.
Question: When do you use a tourniquet?
4. Answer: Used to treat a suspected femur fracture.
Question: What is a hare traction splint?
5. Answer: To immobilize the joint above and below.
Question: What is the purpose of splinting?
1. Answer: Cold, clammy skin, diaphoresis, altered mental status, nausea and vomiting.
Question: What are the signs and symptoms of shock?
2. Answer: The last vital sign to change in response to shock.
Question: What is blood pressure?
3. Answer: Shock caused by an allergic reaction.
Question: What is anaphylactic shock?
4. Answer: The type of shock caused by loss of blood volume.
Question: What is hemorrhagic shock?
5. Answer: Used when the blood pressure is less than 90 mm mercury and the patient has signs and symptoms of shock.
Question: What is the pneumatic anti-shock garment?
• Medico Legal
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Patient Assessment
• CPR/Obstructed Airway
• Respiratory
• Oxygen and Airway Adjuncts
• Trauma
• Scene Size-Up
• Shock
Knowledge of common medical terminology makes communications between providers and hospital personnel more effective. EMT's need to constantly maintain their skills and knowledge levels to provide quality care to their patients.