During the week of October 20 -24 the ExxonMobil Baytown Rescue Team sent team members to Benicia, California to compete in the annual IRTS (Industrial Rescue Training Symposium) competition. The IRTS places the nations best industrial rescue teams head to head in real-world rescue scenarios.
The teams competed in two separate categories, 5-man EMT Rescue and 9-man Heavy Rescue. The five man competition places emphasis on medical skills with some rescue and rigging, the nine man competition tests a teams abilities to make safe and effective patient retrievals from inside tanks, towers or wherever a patient may become injured.
Team members are scored on how they locate the patient(s), stabilize/treat injuries and extricate them to safety .
The teams from Baytown earned two World Championships and a second place during the competition. Next years competition will be held in Beaumont, Texas.