Setina Specialized Vehicles Pty.Ltd.

Melbourne, Victoria 3001


About Setina Specialized Vehicles Pty.Ltd.


GPO Melbourne Box 4292
Melbourne, Victoria 3001
61 3 9973 4017

More Info on Setina Specialized Vehicles Pty.Ltd.

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Setina Specialized vehicles is a full line sales and service distributor of fire and emergency apparatus and equipment for Australasia. We represent the full line of Iveco Magirus firefighting appliances including aerials, pumpers, ARFF and Wildland fire fighting and Aircore Firefighting system.

Products and Press Releases

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Iveco Magirus Firefighting Vehicles

Feb. 23, 2018
Setina Specialized vehicles is a full line sales and service distributor of fire and emergency apparatus and equipment for Australia and New Zealand
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Iveco Magirus Airport and Firefighting Products- Dealer Australia

July 23, 2014
Setina Specialized Vehicles Ptd. Ltd.represents companies that are leaders in the design and manufacturing of products for police, fire, ambulance and emergency services professionals...

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