Blanchat Mfg., Inc.

Harper, KS 67058


About Blanchat Mfg., Inc.

Blanchat Mfg., Inc. is located in Harper, Kansas (about 45 miles southwest of Wichita, Kansas). Blanchat Mfg., Inc. was established in 1978 and incorporated in 1988


10 NW 92 Rd
Harper, KS 67058
United States of America
1 (620) 896-7145
1 (620) 896-7178

More Info on Blanchat Mfg., Inc.

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Blanchat Mfg., Inc. is located in Harper, Kansas (about 45 miles southwest of Wichita, Kansas). Blanchat Mfg., Inc. was established in 1978 and incorporated in 1988. Blanchat Mfg., Inc. is owned by Greg and Kristi Blanchat.

Blanchat Mfg., Inc. started out manufacturing farm equipment including plows, grain carts and hay trailers. Blanchat Mfg., Inc. still produces plows today and is known for being one of the largest suppliers of moldboard plow parts in the nation.

Greg Blanchat has been a volunteer firefighter for over 30 years. In 1988, Greg was thrown off a fire truck and nearly killed during a wildland fire. Greg quickly recognized that fire departments did not have fire trucks designed to maintain firefighter safety while fighting fine fuel fires. In 1989, the BATROPS (Blanchat Apparatus Transverse Roll-Over Protection System) was introduced and Blanchat Mfg., Inc. began producing interface fire equipment. The next decade brought more of a demand for fire equipment, phasing out farm equipment production.

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