Antibiotics and Tendon Rupture in Firefighters

Jan. 8, 2007
There are new studies out that indicate that people who are on, or have recently taken certain antibiotics are more prone to tendon and ligament ruptures! These drugs appear to chemically weaken soft tissues.

Firefighters are among the hardest workers in the workforce today. The demands on them are so rigorous; they are more prone than most for work related injuries. Bottom line is; a work injury can end the career you have worked so hard for so many years. Why increase the chances of that happening?

There are new studies* out that indicate that people who are on, or have recently taken certain antibiotics are more prone to tendon and ligament ruptures! These drugs appear to chemically weaken soft tissues.

To me, the solution is to avoid getting sick in the first place. I always try conservative means things first. They seldom fail. If they do, I get sick. Unless think I am at risk of dying, I abstain from antibiotics. If I feel like I am at death's doorstep, or I have tried for two weeks to get rid of the problem, I consider taking them.

I personally take every precaution against getting sick that I possibly can. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Get enough rest. Eight hours per night is a must. When the first tickle is felt in your throat.
  2. Take Airborn when someone in the household gets sick.
  3. Vitamin C, Golden Seal and Echinacea are known to strengthen the immune system. Load up on them when someone in the house is sick. Health food stores have immune boosting formulas. Keep one on hand.
  4. Stay away from sugar- it depresses the immune system
  5. Don't take antibiotics unless you really need to. They suppress the immune system and make you more prone to catch whatever's coming around next.
  6. Gargle with warm salt water once a day.
  7. Make Bealer Broth* (directions listed below) when you start to get sick. It stimulates the immune system and clears your sinuses.

I always try these things first. They seldom fail. If they do, I get sick. Unless think I am at risk of dying, I abstain from antibiotics. If I feel like I am at death's doorstep, or I have tried for two weeks to get rid of the problem, I consider taking them. That is my choice. I have not taken them in 15 years.

Remember: this is cold and flu season. Those are viruses. I fail to see the benefit to taking an antibiotic right off the bat, which is an antibacterial, when most likely you have a virus?

Should you take antibiotics?
Antibiotics are over used, yet are necessary in some cases. I am not suggesting that you or your family not take them. That's your decision, not mine. However, if you do take them, there is something you need to be aware of. And, you should be taking it light during the course of antibiotics and for 10 days afterwards. If you tell superior officer this, and they look at you like you are nuts, ask them to take a look at this article.

What else to do?
Ligaments, tendons and cartilage are made up of essentially the same matrix. Proteoglycans are used to synthesize the matrix. The precursors to proteoglycan synthesis are bio- available in a glucose amine sulfate. You won't get enough in your regular diet to counteract the drugs effects. You'll need to supplement.

What to Get:
Make sure you get Glucose amine Sulfate, and not Glucose amine HCL. They are not alike AT ALL. The HCL won't work.

How much and how long?
Take 1200 mg/day for a month total, during and after the course of antibiotics. I suggest that everyone take it all the time for maximum joint health. But at this time it is extremely important!

* Check out the literature at the websites listed below:

What about antibiotics for acne?
I would suggest that this type of treatment be left for times of lesser activity, and that some topical treatment like Proactive Solution be used. I would recommend extending Glucose amine supplementation for 6 months after treatment stops… just to be on the safe side!

Bealer Broth:
3 C filtered/distilled/spring water
2 cloves garlic- chopped
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
20 green beans (fresh or frozen, NOT canned)
4 mushrooms, chopped (fresh)
1 cube vegetarian vegetable bouillon (no MSG)

Put all the above in a pot, heat almost to boiling, on HI. Pull from heat, drink. Eat all the vegetables. Eat remainder through out the day. Take a pot in the morning and another in the evening.

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to write or call!
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Dr. Jen Milus, DC

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