Awards, Collectibles & Memorials

The Awards, Collectibles & Memorials product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various fire service awards, collectibles and memorials, including service awards, firefighter retirement and promotional gifts, fire truck collectibes, fire history books and fallen firefighter memorial options.
Careers & Education

NVFC Seeks Outstanding Volunteers for National Awards

The National Volunteer Fire Council is seeking nominations for their Lifetime Achievement Award, Health and Wellness Leadership award and junior firefighter programs.
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) named Gary Krichbaum managing director.
Careers & Education

For the Record 11/23

Nov. 10, 2023
ESO analysis of 2021 data found that almost one in five firefighters who were exposed to smoke or combustion products have no decontamination procedures documents.
Steven Shaw
Pritchett was presented the award by the Chairman of the Glatfelter Insurance Group, Tony Campisi (l.), and the Executive Director of the NFFF, Chief Ron Siarnicki.
Awards, Collectibles & Memorials

Pritchett Receives NFFF's Arthur J. Glatfelter Distinguished Service Award

NFSA Vice President/Executive Officer Vickie Pritchett was recognized for her many and varied contributions to the NFFF.
Photo courtesy of the Kingman Fire Department (KFD)
This bronze plaque that’s located in Firefighter Memorial Park in Kingman, AZ, lists the 11 firefighters who were killed on July 5, 1973, when a leak from a propane rail car resulted in a BLEVE. The artwork to the left of the plaque is made from a portion of the tank from which the BLEVE occurred.
Historical Incidents

50 Years Later: The Kingman BLEVE

July 17, 2023
Robert Burke reports on the ceremony to remember and honor the 11 firefighters who sacrificed their life a half-century ago at a propane rail car explosion.