Drive Square Inc.

Alexandria, VA 22314


About Drive Square Inc.

The Drive Square Simulation System is a driving simulator that allows trainees to drive in a real car on a virtual road.


3213 Duke St., Ste.656
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States of America

More Info on Drive Square Inc.

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Drive Square in-vehicle driving simulators are simple and portable, facilitating driver training/re-training in the field instead of a training center. Furthermore, some of our customers use their simulators for their outreach programs, setting up in front of the local high schools demonstrating teens the dangers of drunk driving, cell phone use and texting.

Drive Square Advantage

  1. Save time. Test or train your drivers in the field, no need to bring them to a training center
  2. Easy Setup. A driving simulator can be set up anywhere in under 20 minutes
  3. Create a natural training environment. Driver can turn their head to look into the car's mirrors or to look back. Driver uses the vehicle’s own steering wheel, gas and brake pedals
  4. Put your drivers through simulated dangerous driving scenarios in the safety of a parking lot or a garage

Products and Press Releases

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Props & Simulators

Driving Simulator DS-565-Adiona-EVO

Feb. 23, 2018
Driving simulator with wireless set of sensors, Adiona multi-player software package, EVO Lite option for police, fire truck, ambulance training.

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