NowForce, creator of the next generation NowForce Mobile Command & Control Solution, launched in the United States earlier this year. Already a leader in Israeli mobile technology, NowForce has been expanding its reach, opening a US-based office, completing Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility Validated Solution Program (assuring system interoperability between Motorola devices and NowForce applications) and working with emergency response organizations across the country.
NowForce’s on-demand emergency response mobile applications plug into responders’ existing GPS-enabled mobile devices/smartphones, including the Android, Blackberry and iPhone. This ensures that responders - whether in-vehicle, on-foot or off-duty - are always connected to their network. The system guides responders to incidents based on geographic location, availability and expertise required, arming them with critical data and dramatically reducing response times.
By employing an innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) model to harness technology organizations already have, NowForce eliminates the need to purchase additional hardware/software and provides less complicated, more cost-efficient solutions.
NowForce’s comprehensive Situational Overview enables organizations to simultaneously manage hundreds of incidents with thousands of resources on a continuous basis, with full incident control from start to finish. Providing a global snapshot of the response to all active events, with the ability to zoom-in on every aspect of specific events, Dispatch is made aware of the location and function of every responder at all times – ensuring optimal crew integrity.
NowForce’s powerful Business Intelligence platform furnishes organizations with incident and response statistics and many more key performance indicators, for intelligent decision making and staffing management. Responder performance may be reviewed on both an individual and aggregate basis in order to focus on areas that would benefit from organizational improvement.
In place of the push-to-talk or voice technology in use by other Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems, NowForce’s web-based two-way Messaging Module utilizes data services for critical and non-critical communication, leaving the voice communication network open. Among many other capabilities, this smart module equips users to choose a relevant audience, send them a question/survey and receive an instant reply; information is then further utilized for enhanced organizational management.
Coupled with the NowForce SOS personal safety solution, which provides 24/7 security for all users, NowForce delivers a more efficient, productive and safe experience for responders and dispatch.
"We are thrilled to have launched NowForce in the United States," stated Assaf Shafran, NowForce CEO. "We have received a very enthusiastic response, as more and more organizations are implementing NowForce as their command and control platform. They are using NowForce to transform their responders’ standard mobile devices into life-saving networks and are seeing real results."
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