Global Traffic Technologies LLC

St. Paul, MN 55441


About Global Traffic Technologies LLC


7800 Third Street North, Bldg 100
St. Paul, MN 55441
(800) 258-4610

More Info on Global Traffic Technologies LLC

Better-informed, better-equipped and more in control — GTT helps cities and the communities they serve realize superior outcomes. Products include the Opticom - Emergency Response.

Products and Press Releases

GTT Product Management Director Chad Mack
Apparatus Components

Global Traffic Technologies to Exhibit Traffic Solutions at Atlanta Trade Show

Aug. 1, 2019
GTT will be an exhibitor at Fire-Rescue International conference and expo in Atlanta with details about the latest Opticom PCaaS solution.
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Opticom Analytics Offers New Tool to Speed up Response Times and Improve Safety

July 10, 2017
Emergency responders have a new tool that can help to speed up response times and improve safety with the release of Opticom Analytics.

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