WASHINGTON, DC (WUSA) -- With compression garments to help the skin grafts heal on his wrists and forearms, Charlie Shyab says he "can't wait to get back to work." Just when that will happen is not clear, but Shyab says he is feeling better every day.
The firefighter for the DC Fire and EMS Department spent 15 days in the Washington Hospital Center Burn Unit and returns there regularly for treatment. He also visits Sgt. Michael LaCore who was more seriously burned in the October 29th fire on 4th Street, NE. Firefighters Kenneth Humphries and Douglas Donnelly were also hurt, but they were released from the hospital within days of the fire.
The crew from Engine 4 was in the rowhouse next to the one where the fire started. Firefighter Shyab says they knew there was fire on the second floor of that home, but they first checked the ground floor for fire. Satisfied there wasn't any, the crew moved to attack the fire upstairs.
Firefighter Shyab was on the nozzle and says they were able to quickly knock down the fire in a second floor bedroom. Firefighter Shyab looked out the window in the rear and saw a large amount of fire coming up from the first floor. Shyab says as he turned around to tell the rest of the crew, they told him there was fire also coming up the interior stairwell.
Charlie Shyab says the amount of fire overpowered the hose line. Without saying a word Shyab said they all knew their only option was to get out as fast as they could. Each of them crawled quickly and dove down the stairs to the front door.
After more than four weeks of recovery Charlie Shyab misses firefighting. His girlfriend, Robin Rider, says Charlie is getting antsy. Laughing, Rider agrees it would be good for Charlie to get back to work, soon.
For more on this and other stories, visit STATter 911.
Republished with permission from WUSA9-TV
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