CHICAGO, FEB. 21—A 3-11 fire that began at 3:30 a.m. as an outside fire that involved a stairwell in a large, occupied apartment building quickly spread into the apartment complex and across a narrow alley into several large truss-roof commercial occupancies. Firefighters were met with a large volume of rapidly spreading fire on two streets as well as a major search and rescue effort. One of the commercial occupancies was a microbrewery, and numerous cylinders of compressed gases that are used in the brewing process exploded throughout the initial operations. Several master streams and aerial devices were utilized. A 3-11 alarm brings approximately 12 engine companies, six truck companies, two tower ladders, a heavy rescue snorkel squad and several EMS units. The commercial occupancies and most of the residential buildings were a heavy or total loss. One injured civilian was transported early in the incident.
Photo by Steve Redick
Photo by Artie Osniak
Photo by Bill Tompkins
Photo by John DeForest