Champion Rescue Tools

Upland, CA 91786


About Champion Rescue Tools


814 Berry Court
Upland, CA 91786

More Info on Champion Rescue Tools

Champion Rescue Tools has the next generation line of hydraulic rescue extrication tools today.

Products and Press Releases

The New Super Beast was developed with new vehicle safety standards in mind as well as the safety of the user and their patients. As the automobile industry continues to create stronger vehicles, we at Champion Rescue Tools have continued to keep one step ahead by building the most powerful rescue tools in the industry. With up to 500,000 pounds of cutting force, the Super Beast will take the first responder into the next decade of automotive innovation. The Super Beast can change from a cutter to a spreader in seconds.
Structural Collapse

Super Beast

May 11, 2011
The New Super Beast was developed with new vehicle safety standards in mind as well as the safety of the user and their patients. As the automobile industry continues to create...

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