Tex Tech Industries, Inc.

Portland, ME


About Tex Tech Industries, Inc.


1 City Center11th Floo
Portland, ME

More Info on Tex Tech Industries, Inc.

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Since it started manufacturing engineered textiles in 1904, Tex Tech Industries has grown to be one of the world’s leading needle and woven felt manufacturers by specializing in meeting the requirements of difficult and demanding customer applications. Our research and development team and manufacturing capabilities have allowed us to be innovative, creative, and on the cutting edge for the benefit of our growing customer base. We pride ourselves on being a market leader in high-performance textiles.

Products and Press Releases

Fdic Carbon X Hoods

Tex Tech Offers Free Hood Swap at Indy Trade Show

April 18, 2018
TexTech Industries is offering hood swaps at FDIC International, April 26–28 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis.

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