Dome Technology

Idaho Falls, ID 83401


About Dome Technology

Dependable, efficient, capable, strength. Firefighters are known for these qualities, and so are the fire stations built by Dome Technology. Free-span and energy efficient with the ability to make the entire fire station FEMA rated by Dome Technology.


4946 North 2900 East
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
United States

More Info on Dome Technology

Dome Technology Logo 5d5edd0613f91

 A fire station should be just as strong as the brave men and women inside. Fire stations must secure the community's investment in equipment, apparatus and personnel so when the unthinkable happens, local heroes are ready to roll. A fire station from Dome Technology offers the ultimate protection for the protectors of the community. Dome Technology is the pioneer in the dome construction process and has been in business for over 40 years. We have built structures in over 35 countries across the world. With each of our projects design built to your standards and specifications, we are the industry leader in innovative, energy efficient and strong fire stations.         

Products and Press Releases


Product of the Day: Dome Technology Fire Stations

Aug. 23, 2019
With a free-spanning interior, fast and cost-effective construction, and building methods that withstand the test of time, your community can rely on a Dome Technology fire station...

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