Venti LLC

New Bern, NC 28560


About Venti LLC


233 Middle Street, Suite 105
New Bern, NC 28560
(919) 278 7627

More Info on Venti LLC

Venti LLC is a start up technology firm founded by a core team of prior DOD and Aerospace senior executives with a focus on remote sensing. The mission of Venti is to enhance real-time data collection for providing first-on-the-scene responders with immediate actionable situational awareness …without having to expose their personnel to potential hazards.

Products and Press Releases

Intelipod System

Product of the Day: Venti Intelipod

Sept. 28, 2020
Intelipod sensor pods detect and geo-locate a wide range of data in emergency environments and transmit actionable information to ruggedized displays.

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