InFocus Corporation

Portland, OR 97223


About InFocus Corporation

InFocus provides end-to-end display and videoconferencing solutions from video phones to projectors, DigiEasel and JTouch interactive touchscreens, the Mondopad all-in-one touch and videoconferencing solutions and ConX videoconferencing display walls.


3190 SW 68th Pkwy #200
Portland, OR 97223
United States of America
(503) 207-4700

More Info on InFocus Corporation

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InFocus provides end-to-end display and videoconferencing solutions from video phones to projectors, DigiEasel and JTouch interactive touchscreens, the Mondopad all-in-one touch and videoconferencing solutions and ConX videoconferencing display walls. We also offer videoconferencing software and cloud services, a full array of accessories, tablets, Kangaroo pocket PC’s, display wall processors and visualization and collaboration products that enable anyone to see and connect anywhere at any time, even using personal and mobile devices. InFocus is privately owned and headquartered in Portland, Oregon with offices and employees all over the world.

Products and Press Releases

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86-inch JTouch Plus

Feb. 23, 2018
The 86-inch JTouch Plus is optimal for education applications, using an open Android platform that allows users to easily install and use any applications from the Google Play...
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FL Fire Dept. Uses New Technology to Improve Response Efficiency

Jan. 25, 2018
Riviera Beach, FL, Fire Rescue Department has deploy a new touchscreen system made by InFocus for informed, faster response times.

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