Upslope Technologies Seeks Responder Info

Nov. 12, 2013

The team at Upslope Technologies, a Colorado-based company seeking to develop better software products for the firefighting community, is seeking input from volunteer firefighters to help identify the essential features of these new products.

The company is asking volunteer firefighters to complete a short survey to provide their input. In order to say thank you for their time, all survey respondents will be entered into a drawing to receive one of 10 $25 VISA gift cards.

The survey should take only a few minutes to complete and can be accessed by going to The survey will remain open through Sunday December 8th, 2013.

About Upslope Technologies Upslope Tech is a startup company, founded in late 2012. Among the owners are several current members of the US military reserve who are actively involved with military airborne firefighting. The Upslope team have been developing decision support tools, asset management systems and web-served applications, collectively, for over 30 years.

Their knowledge has been gained in private industry, the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. At the core of the Upslope Tech approach is a deep understanding of geospatial data significance in the decision making process.

For more information about Upslope Technologies go to

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