Port Crane, N.Y., Takes Delivery of Vacuum Tanker

Dec. 7, 2015
Port Crane, N.Y. Volunteer Fire Department recently took delivery of a Firovac Tanker/Pumper.

Port Crane, N.Y. Volunteer Fire Department recently took delivery of a Firovac Tanker/Pumper. Designed to provide the most efficient use of both water and personnel, it is equipped with a 3,000-gallon aluminum tank, three air-operated water valves, a Firovac power down portable tank bracket with two tanks and a 1000 gpm Darley fire pump with "pump & roll" capabilities all on an International 7600. It also features an unprecedented vacuum water movement system which not only self-loads quickly but unloads under pressure. The apparatus comes with a "zero loss" ISO rating and the performance guarantee in the industry.

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