KME Gets Gold Rating From Dept. of Defense

Jan. 14, 2015
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) announced that KME has received a Superior, Gold rating as a top performing supply contractor.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) announced that KME has received a Superior, Gold rating as a top performing supply contractor for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014. The award is part of the Department of Defense’s Superior Supplier Incentive Program.

As a Department of Defense combat support agency, DLA provides the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, other federal agencies, and joint and allied forces with a variety of logistics, acquisition and technical services. The agency sources and provides nearly 100 percent of the consumable items America’s military forces need to operate, as well as fire apparatus, construction and barrier equipment.

”Given DLA’s mission to support our warfighters around the world, it’s important to recognize those companies with proven track records for superior performance in government contracting,” said Matthew Beebe, head of DLA’s acquisition directorate.

According to Andrew Yenser, KME’s Government Sales Manager, “KME is proud to support our military personnel stationed around the globe and honored to receive the highest gold rating.”

For more information about how your fleet can benefit from a KME relationship, go to or contact us at [email protected]

KME is a leading custom manufacturer of a full range of specialty vehicles for military, industrial, commercial, aviation and municipal markets.


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