During the night, team members from one of the California Governor' ;s Office of Emergency Services three Urban, Search, and Rescue (US&R) Task Forces were working near an Indiana US&R task force when the Indiana unit forced entry into a burning area and had a fire flashed on them. California rescuers extinguished the fire and helped get the Indiana firefighters out. Four of the Indiana firefighters were burned. Three of those burned were treated and released. There is currently no update on the most severely burned. In support of the US&R task forces, OES is preparing to deploy eight and possibly 11 additional personnel to the Pentagon and World Trade Center disaster scenes, at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Among those being deployed are mapping, planning, and logistics specialists, as well as a donations manager. OES will continue to support Search and Rescue operations, as well as other rescue and relief efforts from the 24-hour State Operations Center and Regional Emergency Operations Center. All three California US&R teams continue to work alongside and in support of New York fire and police personnel. California's Riverside task force is currently working with six excavators, one 500-ton crane and a 350-ton crane, near a 200-foot deep, 1,000 feet in diameter crater, where Tower 2 collapsed. Task Force personnel reported minor injuries, aches, and pains, primarily because workers are walking on uneven debris fields. CA OES USAR Task Force 1 (Los Angeles City) - Task Force 1 has been working with FDNY Rescue 2 and near an Indiana Task Force. When the Indiana Task Force was trapped by a fire flash, the California Task Force helped extinguish the fire and rescue the Indiana firefighters. CA OES USAR Task Force 6 (Riverside) - Task Force 6 is working an area near the Tower 2 collapse with heavy equipment. The crater formed by the collapse is an estimated 200 feet deep and 1,000 feet in diameter. CA OES Task Force 7 (Sacramento) - Task Force 7 is working with 70-80 members of NYPD's Emergency Services Unit on search and support operations. Personnel deployed by California OES to Washington and New York disaster scenes:
- 192 USAR specialists and 20 command and support staff in New York
- 18 command and support staff in Washington D.C.