A plane clipped the roof of one home before crashing into another in Baker on Friday, sparked a fire that damaged two homes.
The crash happened shortly after 1 p.m. when the King Air 200 clipped the roof of a home, according to The Advocate.
Nearby resident Beverly Lombard said “It was unbelievable...I’m thinking, ‘Is this real?’ ”
Some witnesses said the plane struck a tree before clipping the roof of a house. The private plane then crashed into a house and by the time emergency crews arrived, two homes were engulfed in flames.
“It looks like (the plane) went through a blender,” Baker Police Chief Mike Knaps told The Advocate.
The pilot reported an unknown problem shortly before going down, the National Transportation Safety Board said.
The 71-year-old pilot died in the crash and no injuries were reported on the ground.