Worcester to Avert Staffing Shortage With Larger Class
Source TELEGRAM & GAZETTE (Massachusetts)
The City Council has agreed to temporarily increase the authorized complement of firefighters so 10 more members can be added to the firefighter recruit class that will begin training in early April.
That will raise the overall size of the class to 30 recruits.
City Manager Michael V. O'Brien recommended the temporary increase as a way to help the Fire Department buffer against the potential influx of retirements in the coming months.
The Fire Department is down to 388 uniformed personnel, below the benchmark of 406 uniformed budgeted personnel established when the department implemented a redeployment plan in 2007.
That personnel benchmark is considered key for the Fire Department's operations to run optimally and efficiently to meet the city's fire safety needs.
City officials fear that staffing in the Fire Department could decrease even more this summer through additional retirements, and staffing could be as low as 368 uniformed personnel by August.
Many of those now working in the Fire Department were hired during the 1970s and they are now becoming eligible to retire with superannuated pensions: Firefighters, along with police and correction officers, reach the maximum pension allowance (80 percent of pay) at 55 years old and 32 years on the job.
Fire Chief Gerard A. Dio indicated an additional 10 to 15 vacancies will likely occur by August - beyond the 20 anticipated in this year's budget. He said many of those who do retire with superannuated pensions are generally 58 and have been on the job for 33 to 34 years.
Instead of waiting for additional retirements to take place and then attempting to play catch-up, the city manager wants to increase the size of the originally planned 20-member recruit class now so staffing levels do not take a serious hit, should there be more retirements this summer.
Mr. O'Brien said while that will put the Fire Department above its budgeted complement for a brief time, he fully intends to work with Chief Dio to get that temporary increase back down to the redeployment plan number of 406 authorized personnel.
"Timing of this action is critical to avoid delay in the hiring process or training timeframe if we are to maintain levels in advance of these summer retirements," he said.
District 5 Councilor William J. Eddy, chairman of the council's Public Safety Committee, said it is important to address critical staffing needs in both the Fire and Police departments.
"This is a smart move," Mr. Eddy said. "Our two public safety operations are understaffed. I applaud the manager for coming up with this plan for the Fire Department and I'm also glad to see he is also working with (Police) Chief (Gary J.) Gemme on addressing his department's needs. It's clear that we can't keep the status quo in either of those departments."
Councilor-at-Large Michael J. Germain called the manager's plan a "no-brainer." He said the staffing numbers in the Fire Department are "absolutely scary" and are only going to get worse.
"We've got to be ahead of the curve on this," he said.
Mr. O'Brien said it is very likely a recruit class will also be required in the Police Department next fiscal year to maintain its authorized manpower levels.
Mayor Joseph M. Petty said the city manager is making it clear that public safety is going to be a top budget priority for the coming year, and he intends to make every effort to provide both departments with the necessary funding so they are properly staffed.
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