Fla. Firefighter/Medic Arrested For Theft of Patient's Drugs
Source South Marion Citizen (Ocala, Florida)
Marion County Fire Rescue (MCFR) firefighter/paramedic Winfield Scott Hancock III resigned last week after being charged by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office with grand theft and possession of a controlled substance.
Thursday afternoon, while on duty, Hancock, who worked out of Station 28 in Rolling Greens, allegedly took medication belonging to a patient. A colleague thought Hancock’s behavior at the scene seemed suspicious and contacted MCFR senior staff. They in turn notified law enforcement, who immediately conducted an investigation that resulted in Hancock’s arrest.
MCFR crew members handle medications and controlled substances on a daily basis and are held to the highest level of professional conduct in this and all other aspects of their jobs. As such, medications stored in the ambulances are inventoried each day and immediate, detailed reporting is required every time a controlled substance is administered to a patient.
Hancock was hired in April of 2004 and has no prior record of employee misconduct.
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