Firefighters from the St. Amant Volunteer Fire Department participated in a live fire drill this past Saturday off Highway 22 in the Acy area.
The class was conducted by Captain Derek J. LeBlanc and Lieutenant John Helg of the St. Amant Fire Department.
The drill taught St. Amant Firefighters how to properly ventilate a working structure fire, how to properly advance hose lines in a burning structure, how to properly place fire apparatus on scene, and how to investigate arson fires.
The training seminar also presented a safe, thorough approach for the St. Amant Department to prepare, respond, and perform search and rescue functions at the scene of a collapsed building, stated St. Amant Chief Officer James E. LeBlanc.
The St. Amant Department also demonstrated principles and techniques for using the proper fire equipment to safely retrieve a person from a burning or collapsed building, stated LeBlanc.