On February 14, 2004, at approximately 4 AM, a fire broke out in the 2100 block of South Nelson Street in Arlington, Virginia.
First in units had a 2-story, single-family detached dwelling with fire showing from side B. Units advanced a line to the first floor and basement. Almost immediatley the kitchen floor and the stairs collapsed.
After a primary and secondary search it was determined all occupants were out. A second alarm was struck and at one point units were pulled from the structure to consider a defensive attack.
Units, after a brief discussion with command, determined that an interior attack was still an option. Most of the house was being used for storage by the family and fire load was large.
Truck Company 410 went to the porch roof to attempt to gain access. The fire vented again and the accompanying photos show a member of T-410 being forced off the roof and the ensuing fire venting again.
All units went into service at approximately 9 AM. The fire is under investigation by the fire marshal's office but a broken gas line is suspected.