Pecatonica Fire Protection District Responds to Motor Vehicle Crash in Illinois
At 10:19 am on May 3, 2005, Pecatonica Fire Protection District was dispatched for a Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) on US Hwy 20, East of Conger Road with a possible ejection.
Pecatonica responded with Ambulance 1C42, Squad 1340, and Engine 1305 from the Pecatonica station.
Responding from Pecatonica's Seward Station was Engine 1502.
1C42 Arrived on scene first to find that traffic had already started backing up. The traffic blocked both eastbound lanes for approximately 1 mile, making it difficult for responding units to get to the scene.
Squad 1948 from Win-Bur-Sew Fire Protection District, the neighboring department to the East, was also on scene. They apparently had been dispatched to the same scene.
The incident involved two single occupant vehicles. Units on scene found that the first patient self extricated and collapsed in the roadway. He had not been ejected as was earlier stated in the dispatch. The second vehicle had one patient with entrapment. REACT and Lifeline Helicopters were contacted for air transport. REACT was already on a call but Lifeline was immediately dispatched.
Engine 1305 stretched a safety hose line and setup a landing zone for the helicopter, while Squad 1340 and Engine 1502 handled the extrication.
Crews from Ambulance 1C42 and Squad 1948 focused on patient care. The first patient was transported by Lifeline Air Ambulance. The second patient was transported by ground in Ambulance 1C42.
The East bound lanes of the highway remained closed for quite some time as Winnebago County Sheriff's police investigated the scene.