On March 25, 2005 at 0850 hours Engines 3, 8, 13 and Tower Ladder 2 were dispatched to 722-724 Cedar Street for a bedroom fire.
Units arrived at 0853 hours to find smoke showing on the second floor. Command ordered an additional engine and Engine 6 was dispatched. Truck crews began a primary search and Engine 3 stretched a 1.75 inch line to the second floor.
At 0858 hours the second floor flashed over causing the incident commander, Deputy Chief Fred Droney, to order the evacuation of all interior crew and do an emergency roll call.
Firefighters Thomas Cooper and Douglas Valerio were on the second floor porch. Cooper retreated down a ladder in Sector 1 and Valerio was forced to jump on the next door porch roof in Sector 4. The house which Firefighter Valerio jumped onto is owned and occupied by Firefighter Cooper. Both firefighters received minor burns and were treated on scene.
Four 1.75 inch, one 2 inch, one LDH portable monitor, and one deck gun were used to bring the fire under control and prevent it from spreading to Firefighter Cooper's house. The truck could not set up due to overhead wires and the narrow street.
The cause is under investigation. Last units on the scene went in service at 1343 hours.