West Haven, CT, Allingtown District. At around 1:30PM, Allingtown and West Haven Firefighters were dispatched to reported smoke coming from the attic at # 51 Ellsworth St.
The first unit on scene was Allingtown C-5, Chief Sampetiro. He confirmed smoke from the attic, and a few minutes after arrival, a working fire was transmitted for fire in the basement.
An 1 3/4 line was stretched to the basement by first arriving companies. Firefighters encountering heavy smoke conditions located the seat of the fire and made an aggressive interior attack.
During that time fire had spread into the first and second floor due to void spaces in the walls and pipe chases in the bathrooms and fire soon took control of the second floor.
Firefighters searching the second floor for occupants at that time were evacuated and a defensive attack was set up.
During the firefighters rapid exit, 3 sustained minor injuries, including one being transported and later released, while the other 2 refused treatment at the scene.
Units were held on scene for extensive overhaul then released later that evening.