The White Settlement Fire Department was summoned to a residential structure fire in the 200 block of Grants Lane at approximately 10 p.m. Christmas night.
Units arrived to find a mobile home fully involved. C2 Jack Bell was the first officer on. He took command of the scene and immediately declared a working structure fire.
Pump 3 with Captain Tim Ellis, along with Firemen Dennis Boden, Kevin Richter, and Bruce Sherman were the first company on scene. Fireman Sherman was the engineer for pump 3. Once the big booster was charged Captain Ellis and Fireman Boden began an exterior attack on the primary fire.
Due to the fact the fire had spread to the outside wall of an adjacent trailer, fireman Richter pulled a red line to the mobile home next door to prevent the fire from spreading further.
After a few minutes of battling 2 separate fires, pump 3 began to run low on water. Pump 1 was en-route and instructed to lay a line upon arrival. Fortunately a fire hydrant was located only 150 feet away. The line was charged and a renewed attack began. Quint 1 arrived shortly after Pump 1 and assisted with fighting the fire.
The fire spread very quickly. The resident, an elderly gentleman, was able to escape without personal injury. However, his dog was tied to the front porch and received serious burns and was transported to a local Veterinarian Hospital.
Witnesses stated that the resident had attempted to re-enter the residence in to free the dogs chain when a mysterious passer-by removed him to a location across the street, and then freed his dog.
This person then disappeared from the scene. There were several people who all told the same story. It appears this persons heroic actions possibly saved the elderly resident and his dog.
Red Cross was summoned to the scene as the resident was displaced. The mobile home was a complete loss. The cause of the fire is under investigation.