St. Leonard, Maryland Firefighters Rescue Cat From House Hit By Overturned Crane
Dec. 21, 2004
On December 18, 2004 at 1417 hours, Company 7 (St. Leonard) was dispatched to Gate A in Scientist's Cliffs for a minor fuel spill. Enroute Squad 7 was advised by communications that it possibly involved a crane into a house.
Squad 7 arrived to find a 100' crane that had overturned onto its side and slammed into a house. The squad crew taped off the area, secured a small hydraulic fuel leak, and made contact to make sure no one was in the house.
SMECO secured the power to the house while Verizon took care of their telephone lines involved.
The crane had been operating with a tree removal service when it came off of the wood it was stabilized on and sunk into the soft ground allowing it to turn over on its side.
The owners arrived and stated that while their dog was out of the house, their cat was still inside.
The squad crew made entry into the structure through an upstairs window.
The cat was finally located and retreived from under the bed in the master bedroom and placed in the arms of it's awaiting owners.