On December 27, at approximately 9 p.m., Nassau County Fire Communications toned out the Carle Place Fire Department to a house fire at 185 Parkway Drive in Carle Place.
9101 and Engine 917 quickly went en route to the scene. 9101 went on scene reporting he has a 1.5 SFD with Heavy Smoke Showing. Engine 917 picked up a hydrant and stretched a 1.75 inch line to the front door. Moments later Chief of Department 9101 transmitted a second alarm assignment for this job. This brought in an engine from the Westbury Fire Department and a FAST from the Mineola Fire Department.
Additional units including Carle Place Engine's 912 and 917, CP Tower Ladder 914 and Mineola Volunteer Ambulance Corps ambulance were on scene. All fire was K/D with two lines; the roof was vented and command held with the present assignment.
There was one minor firefighter injury, from a ceiling collapse.