On May 1, stations 81 (Laurel, DE), 74 (Delmar, DE) and 14 (Sharptown, MD) were alerted for a structure fire at 32737 Bi-State Boulevard. 81-18 (3rd Asst. Chief Mike Lowe) arrived on location and reported heavy fire coming from a garage behind a residence.
The crew of Engine 81-2, led by Captain Tim West, put a 2-1/2-inch line in service and began to wet the numerous surrounding vehicles and structures to reduce the chance of ignition. Delmar's Truck 74 arrived, and under the direction of Chief J. Morris Jr., placed a second foam supplied hose line in service while additional crews arrived and assisted with extinguishment and overhaul.
Crews were on scene for approximately 90 minutes. Fire Police from stations 81 and 74 shut down Bi-State Boulevard during the alarm. The Delaware State Fire Marshal (FM-11) was also on scene conducting an investigation.