'We've Seen Samurai Swords': AZ Crews Need Help in Bad Area

Feb. 26, 2021
Because of increased violence toward firefighters around a downtown homeless encampment, Phoenix fire and police officials have created a new protocol for calls to that area.

Phoenix firefighters say they have seen a spike in violence toward them by a downtown area's homeless population

The increased hostility around a homeless encampment near the city's CASS shelter over the past several weeks is the worst it has ever been, according to P.J. Dean of the United Phoenix Firefighters Association. That's led to requests by firefighters for police assistance during calls.

"We've seen hammers, samurai swords, chains, a variety of things that have been utilized as weapons," Dean told KPHO-TV. "We can't protect ourselves; we can't defend ourselves and treat people medically at the same time."

Because of the possible danger, fire and police officials have developed a new procedure for calls to the area. Officers now will first stage the area to ensure it's safe for firefighters before they go in.

"What's unique in this situation is that we are now taking a staging response requirement just to that specific location regardless of what the call is," Dean told KPHO.