Firehouse Station Design 2019: Your Old Fire Station – Renovate or Knock it Down?

Feb. 18, 2019
Robert Mitchell describes the steps to take when determining if your existing building and site can be modified to meet your needs.

In his Firehouse Station Design Conference Session, "Your Old Fire Station – Renovate or Knock it Down?" Robert Mitchell of Mitchell Associates Architects, describes the steps to take when determining if your existing building and site can be modified to meet your needs and whether it is better to renovate it, knock it down and rebuild, or move to a new site. Using examples of station renovations, attendees will learn about evaluating the existing conditions and how to have the information needed to make decisions about the building from a solution-based review of the facts. Examples will include before/after transition images to learn to visualize when a building is a “diamond in the rough.” The session will also cover strategies to deal with construction phasing, disruptions to operations, hazards of blending construction and operations, construction surprises, and delays. See renovation examples of what is possible. Learn to see a solution when looking at a building.

Learn more and register for the conference at