Firefighter Exam Tossed by Conn. Department

April 10, 2015
It was determined the Stamford test discriminated against women and minorities.

STAMFORD --The city has to throw out its firefighter exam after an expert said it discriminated against women and minorities.

Officials announced Thursday they intended to send the matter to the Board of Finance in order to fund a $150,000 replacement exam.

Meanwhile, the city has already written to the 753 men and women who took the test, informing them that they could take the replacement, which will likely happen in early May. They will not have to pay the $35 examination fee again.

Men and women who took the test in January immediately began complaining to the Human Resources and Fire departments, saying the two hours allotted for the test was not enough and the Stamford exam was much more difficult than other fire departments' entrance exams.

As it turned out, the test was also highly slanted in favor of white men.

"In reviewing the exam results, the city discovered that the test had an adverse impact on minorities, in particular, on black, Hispanic and female candidates," Mayor David Martin wrote to the Board of Finance on Thursday. "The results showed that 3.8 percent of black candidates, 20.8 percent of Hispanic candidates and 6.2 percent of female candidates passed the exam, a statistically significant difference from the 36.4 percent rate for Caucasian candidates."

Exams produced by Cooperative Personnel Services Inc. have already been the subject of litigation in Hamden. Two black applicants to that town's fire service alleged that the test discriminated against minorities.

Stamford hired industrial psychologist Joel Weisen to investigate whether the January exam was flawed. He concluded not only that the test was skewed, but also it may not be the best test suited for jobs in a fire department.

City officials said they had used other CPS tests, mostly for skilled clerical or accounting positions, and had not had any problems with them.

All told, the January exam would have cost the city $15,000. Officials said they had already paid some preliminary invoices, but were unlikely to honor future billings.

Martin is asking for a bid waiver and a $150,000 emergency appropriation to hire a new testing company, Morris & McDaniel, whom officials said come highly recommended from New Haven and New York City.

Time is of the essence for the Fire Department to hire new men and women. A $3 million Federal Emergency Management Agency grant is contingent upon the city hiring 24 new firefighters. So far, it has hired eight since receiving the grant.

"Maybe there's some lemonade to be coming out of this, despite the challenges that are encompassed by this," Martin said. "The cheapest thing that we can get off the shelf may not be the best and certainly not the lowest cost when you consider the risks that you're taking."

[email protected]; 203-964-2263; @stunati0201


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