The Firehouse Yak: Andy Starnes – Developing Your Personal Board of Directors
Peter Matthews talks with Andy Starnes about the importance of each person having a personal board of directors who they can reach out to and seek advice from throughout their lives. Starnes stresses why this board is just as important for decisions within the fire service as it is at home and with your family.
While Starnes is known around the world for his efforts to educate firefighters on thermal imaging, this episode focuses on the human side of the firefighter and ensuring members make the right decisions, influenced by trusted friends and advisors. Starnes shares where the concept of the board came from, how to seek out the people you want on your board and how the two-way relationship works.
Listen for advice on how to be a better friend, colleague, firefighter and family member and for tips on how to pull through the tough times.

Peter Matthews | Editor-in-Chief/Conference Director
Peter Matthews is the conference director and editor-in-chief of Firehouse. He has worked at Firehouse since 1999, serving in various roles on both Firehouse Magazine and staffs. He completed an internship with the Rochester, NY, Fire Department and served with fire departments in Rush, NY, and Laurel, MD, and was a lieutenant with the Glenwood Fire Company in Glenwood, NY. Matthews served as photographer for the St. Paul, MN, Fire Department.

Andrew Starnes
Andrew Starnes has been involved with the fire service as a volunteer since 1992 and as a career firefighter since 1998. He retired as a battalion chief and 25-year career with a large career department in North Carolina. Starnes is Level II Thermography Certified and is the founder of Insight Training LLC, which developed the first thermography-based firefighter certification that's credentialed through Infrared Training Center. He is a fire service website contributor on the topics of thermal imaging, fire behavior, leadership, behavioral health and faith-based devotions. Starnes has trained and/or assisted departments with thermal imaging training in all 50 states and in numerous other countries.