Lieutenant Michael Daley’s column in December examines bulkhead, or “Bilco,” doors that are commonly used to gain access to below-grade areas in commercial and residential structures. In the article, Daley discusses size-up factors for these means of entry and egress and examines practical tactics. The article focuses on proper forcible entry, firefighting strategies and ventilation practices. Look for “Bilco and Other Access Points for Below-Grade Operations” on Dec. 5.
Year in Review
This past year, the fire service has seen several highs and lows. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reported a record drop in firefighter injuries (see page 66) while the number of firefighter layoffs and other cuts has hit record highs. Look for the Year in Review that will begin around Christmastime to see the top news stories, training articles, podcasts and more.
Recruitment & Retention Podcast
Editor Peter Matthews talks with Manchaca, TX, Fire Chief Chris Barron and Loudoun County, VA, Volunteer Coordinator Karen McQuaid about their efforts for the recruitment and retention of volunteer firefighters. Manchaca was awarded the Volunteer & Combination Officers Section’s Recruitment & Retention Award last month. Barron and McQuaid share methods of recruiting new members and focusing on retention to keep rigs staffed with trained personnel.
Look for “VCOS Radio: Retention of Volunteer Firefighters” on Dec. 14.