Leadership Lessons: Know Your Crew, Part 2: How to Lead the "Analyticals"
Last month, I started a five-part series about knowing your crew and the four different social styles on your team. If you haven’t read that column, be sure to start there so this month’s column makes sense to you. (You can find the archived article at Firehouse.com. Just enter “Know Your Crew” in the search box and it will take you to the article.) In part two, I discuss the “Analytical” social style on your crew. I will cover the “Driver,” the “Amiable” and the “Expressive” in parts three, four and five, respectively.
Analyticals are the “technique specialists” on your crew. They are “askers” who are “task oriented.” They like to organize, solve problems, and create quality work. They prefer to work carefully and alone. Their decision making tends to avoid risks, is slow and deliberate, and is based more on facts than intuition or a “gut feeling.” Analyticals have a strong sense of duty and obligation and tend to take on too much responsibility. They are driven by a forceful work ethic, and play does not come naturally to them. They see themselves as conservators and are prone to worry. They are steadfast, reliable and dependable.
Before I share some strengths and weaknesses that Analyticals will bring to your team, let me share the names of some famous Analyticals so you can relate this social style to your team members. Spock from “Star Trek” is the perfect example of an Analytical. Others include Barack Obama, Agatha Christie (the murder mystery novel writer), Nicole Kidman and Confucius.
Recognize their strengths
Some of the strengths of an Analytical include: Sacrifices own will for others, schedule-oriented, detail-conscious, economical, perfectionist, orderly and organized and finishes what he or she starts. Some of the weaknesses of an Analytical include: Not people-oriented, hesitant to start projects, spends too much time planning, standards often too high, may discourage others and sulks over disagreements.
I want to share some tips with you for leading an Analytical. First of all, they need reasons why they should complete tasks or participate in activities. They want details and exact instructions. They need a work environment that is structured and orderly. As a leader, you need to give Analyticals space and time to think and react. They do not like to be pushed, intimidated or manipulated. They would rather make no decision than make a bad decision.
Analyticals work well alone, but they also add value to teams by developing game plans and setting high standards. They follow through on assigned tasks and do not need leaders to breathe down their necks. They like completing tasks that require planning and accuracy, and they take their work seriously. They can be picky about who they work with and have a difficult time working with those who do not keep deadlines or disregard rules or regulations. They can become critical and negative concerning people who perform at low standards or produce mediocre work.
The Analytical social style will typically maintain a neat and orderly work area. Because Analyticals strive for perfection, they tend to move slowly out of carefulness and cautiousness. They like to focus and concentrate on one task at a time and do not appreciate having too many projects dumped on them at once. As a leader, if you tend to be “last minute” in your task delegations, you may find yourself butting heads with an Analytical.
Analyticals resent leaders who take costly shortcuts. They want to follow those who think carefully when making decisions. Analyticals want things done right the first time. They appreciate leaders who will give them clarification and suggestions. They like alternatives for implementation and want practical methods for projects.
A great way to effectively lead Analyticals is to know what they value and what annoys them. The Analyticals value accuracy, competence and organization. They appreciate facts, efficiency, quality and structure. They are annoyed by things like disorganization, hastiness and aggressiveness. They are especially annoyed by shouting, invasiveness and exaggeration. Additionally, Analyticals become frustrated with illogical policies, procedures or projects.
Earn their loyalty
Analyticals will be very loyal team members if you know how to deal with them. It is important to approach conflict very respectfully and calmly. Analyticals do not like confrontational situations and will tend to avoid leaders who are loud and obnoxious.
If you want to gain a high level of productivity from Analyticals and you want them to follow you as a leader (because they want to, not because they have to), demonstrate excellence and do things right. Analyticals respect leaders who think through their decisions carefully and remain calm when things get crazy.
My next column talks about the “Driver” social style on your crew and why they are the most difficult to supervise.
KIMBERLY ALYN, Ph.D., is a best-selling author and an international fire service speaker and training instructor. She is the owner of Fire Presentations (FirePresentations.com), a company dedicated to keynote presentations and training workshops for the fire service. Dr. Alyn has conducted the largest known fire service study on the topic of leadership and organizational commitment. She works with fire departments across the country on firefighter and fire officer leadership development. She is the author of 11 books and a variety of CD/DVD productions. Dr. Alyn holds a bachelor’s degree in management, a master’s degree in organizational management and a doctorate in management with a specialty in leadership. Dr. Alyn can be reached at: 800-821-8116 or email: [email protected].