GOLDEN, Colo. --
A furnace explosion at a metal-fixture manufacturing site in Golden caused quite a scare Tuesday morning, but no one was hurt.
More than a dozen workers were inside Goltra Casting, at 501 McIntyre St., at the time but everyone was able to leave safely.
Firefighters said the explosion inside the forging furnace sent metal parts into an air filtering system lined with paper and the hot metal shards caused the paper in the filter system to catch fire and smolder, creating a lot of smoke.
Firefighters were called to the area at 8:17 a.m. They were able to quickly extinguish the open flames and contain the smoldering within the filtering system. However, dark smoke was visible coming from the building for some time.
Once the on-scene fire crews had finished putting the fire out, firefighters began ventilating the smoke out of the building.
By 8:30 a.m., most of the smoke had dissipated.
The smoke was confined to the filtering system and no damage was done to the building.
Goltra Casting specializes in steel castings for general industrial use.
The facility is next to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, just off Sixth Avenue.
No nearby homes or business were in any danger and none were evacuated.
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