It was on the 4th Of July, when the department says it received one complaint from a resident alleging that firefighters were setting off illegal fireworks in front of their station. All it took was one complaint and now a full blown investigation is underway.
The fire department's captain, Melinda Brayton, could not confirm if firefighters did light fireworks. She did say though that the complaint targeted station 18 in East Oakland, known as one of the busiest fire houses in the city.
Oakland had its fair share of illegal firework shows firing off in its city streets and the Oakland Fire Department was on alert.
Wednesday, Oakland Fire and Oakland P.D. displayed a number of illegal fireworks the two departments confiscated over the holiday.
Due to the investigation, firefighters at the station were unable to comment, but battalion chief Malik Kafele says he did speak to them today. The fire deparment says that even though it was one complaint, they are taking it seriously.
The department says every firefighter working at Station 18 on the 4th of July gave a statement as to the events of their shift.
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