Upland, CA, August 29, 2007 - Champion Rescue Tools, manufacturer of industry leading hydraulic rescue tools recently held the "Pull the Pins and Win" Contest at the annual Fire Rescue International (FRI 2007) Show in Atlanta. The contest was designed to show rescue workers just how easy it was to change the head on Champion's best selling BEAST rescue tool from an 11 inch "O" cutter to a 28 inch spreader in seconds, thereby giving the versatility and power of 2 tools from a single unit. Champion also used the opportunity to debut their new line of BEAST attachments, including 5 new special application cutters, a combi-head and a guillotine cutting attachment.
"We were simply amazed at how many people wanted to try out the BEAST to see how easy it was to change heads," stated Alan Discount, President of Champion. "Our booth was constantly packed with hundreds of rescue workers wanting to get their hands on the BEAST...as well as the cash prize for the fastest time in changing the heads. And over the 2 days we ran the contest, the longest it took for anyone to change the tool from a full size cutter to spreader was 40 seconds. The winners posted some phenomenal times even though they had never even used the tool before. It really proved the point that with the BEAST, you can change tools faster than you can even switch a hose."
On the first day, the winning time was 15.25 seconds posted by Neil Boss, a firefighter from Oconee County, Georgia. On the second day, the winning time of 14.11 seconds was posted by Liam Judd, a firefighter/medic from Atlanta, Georgia. Each winner took home a $500 cash prize. Also given away in a random drawing on the second day was a brand new BEAST cutter/spreader valued at $4,999 to Mark A. Thornton of the Clanton Fire Department in Alabama. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated. And be sure to look for Champion at other trade shows and events throughout the year to experience the versatility and ease of use of the BEAST for first hand. Who knows, you might just take home a cash prize or a brand new BEAST for your department!
Champion Rescue Tools, originally founded as Patton Hydraulics, Inc. in 1978, has built high quality cutters, spreaders, and numerous other specialty hydraulic tools for a variety of specialized applications and industries including numerous high profile customers such as Sandia National Laboratories, Saturn, GM, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Honda, Chrysler, Princeton University, Westinghouse, Savannah River, etc. Their most recent line of cutters, spreaders, rams, power units, pumps, valves and accessories built especially for the fire rescue market, can be seen on their website at www.championrescuetools.com . For sales literature, a DVD of their products in use, or to set up a live demo, contact Champion toll free at 1-888-396-2426.